Regular Visits To The Dentist Are Essential

Everyone deserves to have a beautiful smile; it helps you to feel confident and boost self esteem. There are several things you should do to keep your teeth clean, beautiful and healthy. First of all, regular brushing and flossing is key. And keep in mind that toothbrush bristles can harbor bacteria, so you should rinse your brush in hot water after each use and replace it at least every three months. Furthermore, for a beautiful smile, regular visits to the dentist, such as a Bryan TX dentist or dentist college station TX are absolutely essential. Did you know that 100 years ago, approximately half of all adults in North America were toothless? Today, however, thanks to improved dental care and awareness, fewer than 10 percent of adults over age 65 have lost teeth. And regular visits to the dentist, such as a dentist Bryan or a College station dentist are also essential to mend any kind of problems, such as cavities or gingivitis, a form of gum disease.
If you would like to improve your smile you might consider visiting an orthodontist, a special kind of dentist Bryan. The goal of orthodontic treatment is a good bite, meaning straight teeth that mesh well with the teeth in the opposite jaw. Luckily, today a variety of orthodontic options are available today, thanks to ongoing research in orthodontics; you may not necessarily need to wear braces for a prolonged period. Orthodontic treatment options can most definitely be a very smart investment in your dental, physical and emotional health. Overall a dentist, such as a dentist bryan, can help keep your teeth beautiful.