Dentistry Is an Honorable Profession Get Involved Even Without a Degree

Start drafting your dental office manager resume now. Because, by the time you finish reading this, you are going to be ready to send out those dental office manager resumes to any and all dental offices hiring within a 50 mile radius.
Have you ever wanted to get involved in dentistry, but did not have it in you to take the seven years of schooling to become a dentist or a tech? You can still get involved, and make a valuable contribution to the dental process. To start the ball rolling, look for some dental office websites and start applying to any positions for dental office managers.
If you like running an office, being in charge, and having hundreds of people rely on you, this is the position for you. If you thrive in a high-stress environment, are the master of the multi-task, and work best while under pressure, you will love this position. And think of all the good you will be doing.
Dental hygiene is one of the most avoided forms of medical treatment out there. Either due to dentophobia, or just thinking it not necessary to see the dentist on a regular basis, most people will go far too long in between dental visits. This ends in less than desirable results. For example, about 75% of Americans suffer from some form of gum disease and do not even know it.
As the dental office manager it is your job to call all of the patients and remind, encourage, cajole, urge them to schedule and come in for appointments. Your persistence can ensure hundreds of people prolonged dental health.
But that is not all. You write schedules for the techs. Keep track of hours and payroll. You contact technicians to come in for maintenance or repairs on the very important, very expensive, dental machinery. And most importantly, you reorder the rolls of stickers for the little kids after a dental visit.
Being the office manager for a whole dental office offers you much in terms of rewards. Between good pay, a lot of responsibility, meaningful work, and making a difference, how could you want to do anything else?